When the weather unexpectedly turned bad and class is canceled, the bus driver buys 50 dinners for the youngsters.

The kids were picked up later than usual because school let out later than usual due to the severe weather.

However, the parents were unaware that the driver had made an incredibly odd stop before to his route, which astonished both the school and the parents.

The residents of Montevallo are familiar with bus driver Wayne Price.

Before selling his company and committing his time to the work of the Youth Ministry, the kind-hearted guy enjoyed a prosperous career as a contractor for a number of years.

Then, after another five years, he began working as a school bus driver, where he has since become well-known among many of the pupils as a respected role model.

In fact, Price has grown so accustomed to the kids that he can anticipate how specific events will affect their days, as in the case of the present situation.

On December 11, Price received a phone call in the early hours of the morning alerting him that the nearby

schools would be closed for an additional two hours that morning owing to the bad weather.

The news that their school day had been cut short meant that many kids in Montevallo might not have access to meals.

You see, over two thirds of the pupils at Montevallo Elementary School are National School Lunch Program

participants and are considered low-income students. These pupils are therefore qualified for free or discounted breakfasts and lunches at school.

The majority of pupils would be hungry if the school closed early because they wouldn’t get any breakfast or lunch until later in the day.

Allison Campbell, the principal of Montevallo Elementary School, revealed the following to TODAY:

‘For a lot of students, that means they won’t get to eat.’ The fact that Price was aware of that says a lot about his character.

Price immediately devised a plan of action to solve the issues for his students as soon as he realized what would happen.

At the nearby McDonald’s, he purchased a breakfast sandwich for himself and one for each of the kids that took his bus.

I asked the manager at McDonald’s, ‘Can you turn around 50 biscuits in 15 minutes and can you give me as good of a deal as possible?’

Price then continued to provide free breakfast to every student as he left the building carrying a box of sandwiches.

The story was shared by the elementary school on its Facebook page, where it soon went viral and garnered a lot of interest.

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