A South Korean Olympic figure skater performed a breathtaking and sentimental performance, showcasing her skating abilities to a popular Christina Perri song.

Athletes need to master their body’s movements in order to succeed, in addition to having a lot of ability and putting in a lot of practice time.

For gymnasts and figure skaters, where there is little to no room for error, this is crucial and true.

A single mistake might spell the difference between winning a gold medal and not making the team.

Ye-lim Kim, a South Korean figure skater, performed to Christina Perri’s “A Thousand Years” in a video that was uploaded on YouTube.

She circles the ice while turning, spinning, and gliding. Her movements are perfectly timed and complement the song’s mood and tone.

The young woman first displays her prodigious skills and self-assurance on the ice at about the 45-second point of the video.

Ye-lim jumps into the air after gaining some speed, spinning a few times before touching down on the frozen ground. Without skipping a beat, she lands perfectly and resumes her fluid dance.

Then, at about the 2:05 mark, Ye-lim once more astonishes the audience with another leap into the air and a series of spins before landing.

Her act is the ideal fusion of ability, athleticism, and presentation. If she were participating

in the Olympics at the time of this performance, her routine would have all the necessary components to win.

The audience bursts into wild applause at the conclusion of her amazing routine. The young woman most certainly earned that kind of response.

Ye-lim’s routine greatly impressed the audience as well. Commenters gushed over her performance in the video. It was described as ‘absolutely beautiful’ by one individual and as ‘stellar’ by another.

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