A Boy of Six Years Old Is Overcome With Emotions Following the Results of His Adoption

Every child who has been taken away from their homes and birth parents has gone through some painful events.

Every youngster desires and is entitled to living in a home and with a loved one. Love, security, and safety shouldn’t be unreasonable demands, especially for a youngster.

In a video that was uploaded to YouTube, 6-year-old Harvey was ecstatic to find that he had found a family and house that would be his forever. The news had him literally jumping with delight.

The tiny man waits at the start of the film while lounging on a plastic chair outside on a porch. A female voice informs Harvey they have something they must tell him a few seconds into the clip.

The woman informs the six-year-old, “There was something special that happened yesterday.” What might have happened yesterday, do you know?

Harvey doesn’t know what might have transpired during the past 24 hours.

The cameraman then pans to the right to show a man holding a sign with Harvey’s name on it standing there. The male, however, draws attention to the two words ‘forever ours.’

Harvey is still not entirely sure what those phrases represent.The man shares the big news with the small person.

The man suggests, ‘How about Harvey is legally adopted.’ After finding that he had an adoptive mother and father, Harvey sits up and lets out an audible gasp.

He asks if what he has heard is true because he is still unsure. You’re adopted? Harvey enquires. ‘I’ve just been adopted?’

‘I’m going to stay here?’ he inquires.
The small boy is over the moon once his inquiries are satisfied and he realizes he is not need to leave.

Harvey approaches the woman in front of the camera for a hug as the video comes to a close.

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