(VIDEO)“Everyone Was In Shock.” Heroic Man Pulls Children Out Of Toppled School Bus.

Matthew Jenkins was on his way to pick up his kids from school when he saw that a bus from a different school had toppled onto its side. This was the result from a drag race between two Mustangs, both of which reportedly hit 110 miles-per-hour.

By the time Matthew arrived, smoke was coming from the vehicle. But because he was in the National Guard, he was able to use his emergency response training to help free the children who were stuck inside. He was also able to make sure that everyone else who was helping was doing so in a way that was safe.

Although two of the children will need surgery from the injuries they sustained, every single person involved is expected to make a recovery. And that’s something that was made possible in large part because of Matthew, a kind stranger who wasn’t afraid to put himself in harms way in order to save others.

Watch a clip of Matthew recalling the incident below and don’t forget to share

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