Grandpa Transforms Autistic Child’s Room Into 100-Acre Woods With Magical Bed.

Everyone has a different way of showing how much they love their family members. When you see the beautiful and thoughtful “safety bed” a man on Reddit made for his autistic grandson, you can’t help but feel the depth of his love!

In a video that has gone viral, the talented grandpa shows off the custom bed he designed for his 3-year-old grandson. The bed has a “Winnie the Pooh” theme, and the standard twin mattress inside is on wheels so it can be pulled out to change the sheets and clean underneath. All of the materials used are flame resistant, and grandpa consulted with a local fire department to ensure it was perfectly safe for his grandson to use.

grandpa shows off the safety room he designed for autistic grandson.

Inside, it’s padded with a wrestling mat to prevent self-harm, there’s a Bluetooth sound system built right in along with a reversable air fan, adjustable LED lighting, and double-monitoring cameras. His grandson was so excited when he first saw it that he cried when he had to get out!

Obviously no two autistic people’s experiences or needs are the same, but this grandpa made sure what he built was just right for his grandson.

“Mostly it was adding things to make my daughter’s and son in law’s experience of meeting his needs as much easier as I can with this tool,” he wrote in a comment. “That’s all it really is. A tool to make his life easier and more peaceful.”

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